QUIETING DOWN THE SLIDE ON A HOHNER CX-12 JAZZ chromatic harmonica… You will find this unique customization pretty much solves that problem. The Hohner CX 12 Jazz is a very different design, having an integral gold/orange plastic combined cover/mouthpiece…and NO mouthpiece screws and no bumpers. The comb/reed assembly simply plops into the back of the […]

How to Practice Chromatic Harmonica Using Music Training Books and CD Sets

How to Practice Chromatic Harmonica Using Music Training Books and CD Sets. GETTING THE MOST FROM BOOK/CD SETS I know that many of you have not yet utilized BOOK/CD combos in their personal training, and I thought you’d enjoy knowing more about this wonderful form of training that’s fun and effective! I’m going to focus […]

Chromatic Harmonica Video Tutorials

Music Video Tutorials WHY WATCH VIDEOS AND READ BOOKS ON MUSIC? VIDEOS, WEB POSTINGS, ARTICLES, AND BOOKS CONTRIBUTE IN MEANINGFUL WAYS TO IMPROVEMENT OF ASPIRING MUSICIANS Musicians are like sponges…we absorb ideas at a rapid rate, and can’t seem to get enough information to help us on our quest to improve the playing of our […]

Breathing Techniques for the Chromatic and Diatonic Harmonica

Breathing Techniques for the Chromatic and Diatonic Harmonica THE INVISIBLE BREATH We just completed our 7 part video series on BREATH, and this material will support and augment that. Many players have yet to come to terms with the idea that the chromatic harmonica is a breath instrument. I’d count myself among them early on […]


THE CHROMATIC HARMONICAS I PLAY By David Kettlewell I thought you might enjoy knowing what harmonicas I own and play. It’s like going through my top dresser drawer…private stuff!   HOHNER 280 C I’ve owned many Hohner 280 C’s, in the more modern configuration which means black polymer comb with screw on brass reed plates. […]

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